Sunday, April 26, 2015

April Showers

We did have a lot of fun this week, though I didn't take many pictures to prove it!  We had fun playing outside and rolling around in all the dirt, playing with Sophia, and Kylie loves to do her flashcard now, with all the numbers, shapes, and letters on them.  She knows practically all of them!

Kylie also loves to paint with me and loves to draw people now.  In fact she drew one picture with four people of various sizes, and she told me "This is Daddy" (pointing to the largest), "This is Mommy" (second largest), "This is Hayden" (smallest), "This is Kylie!" (second smallest).  It was sooo cute that she drew our family and did sizes and told me exactly who was who.  I love this new stage of learning she is getting into.  That picture is definitely going in the scrapbook!!

Hayden's new thing is watching Big Hero 6. ALL the time.  He is always finding my phone or tablet and watching it on that if I don't have it one the television.  It is crazy how much he loves that movie.  He is also learning new things - says "dada" when Brandon comes into the room, "dog" for dogs, and he even called me "mama" once!! He also is trying to walk down the stairs alone (scary!) and is also done nursing!!!  It has been over a week since he last nursed and is no longer asking for it so I am soooooooo happy!!  He only wakes up once a night for a diaper change and to find his pacifier, so I no longer feel like zombie mom everyday.

Wednesday night it started getting stormy and we've had stormy weather persist throughout the week.  Kylie saw the rain and got her umbrella out and was very excited to use it.

Though if we didn't go outside she quickly found other uses for it.  Like a boat.

Saturday I let the kids play in the sink - something I don't do very often because of the clean up involved.  But they love it!

Later that day we got to visit with Aunt Kendra, who was in town to run the half marathon.  We loved having her over!

Today (Sunday) started off well enough.  Kylie was excited for church and primary, only when the time came for Primary she didn't want to go in for some reason.  At first she said she was hungry, so she ate a granola bar and while she was eating I left to take Hayden to nursery.  He still has a month before he is 18 months, so I am taking him in and staying with him to get him used to it.  Well, just as he was having fun and playing with the other kids, Brandon comes to say that Kylie is throwing the tantrums of all tantrums and he was taking her home.  So Hayden and I came home with them (so they didn't have to come back and pick us up.)  I am guessing that Kylie was having a problem with Primary today (from what Brandon said happened) because another girl was sitting in her normal chair.  Usually we are the first in the room so Kylie sits in the same place every time, and she is a huge stickler for keeping everything the same, so when the other girl didn't move Kylie just had a meltdown.  I am guessing thats what is going on when Brandon said she tried to sit in someone else's seat.  Poor thing.  Hopefully things will go better next week.  Hayden was sure loving nursery!

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