Monday, May 12, 2014

Champion Eater

Hayden is growing up way too quick on us!!  He is barely five months and already demanding to be fed solid food at least 2 or 3 times a day.  He only gets a bit down, the gag reflex is still really strong, but he just loves chewing and sucking on food.

Since he is just starting out and doesn't have any teeth yet (I thought he sprouted one about a month ago, but I was mistaken...), I have been trying to give him food just to gnaw on, like apple slices, carrots, and celery.

He isn't too satisfied with these though.  He knows he isn't really "eating" like we are.  So I have been breaking down and giving him softer things: orange slices, mangos, bananas, toast, and even putting peanut butter on the celery.  He loves this!

Then, of course, Hayden is so cute while he eats that I break down even more and give him the good stuff: french fries, ice cream, and a pizza crust.

Before you know it he will just be downing his food and then hopefully he will take longer naps and sleep better at night!!  Which, by the way, Hayden is now sleeping in his own room at nights!  We finally got that spare room cleaned out and moved him in.  He doesn't have the crib yet (we haven't gotten Kylie a new bed yet), but he is using the pack'n'play, which is basically the same thing.  It's only been two nights, but it seems like he is sleeping better and longer at night.  I suppose he likes the extra room to spread his limbs now, and he has started sleeping on his side in it.

I think I mentioned last week how he is scooting around now.  He is such a little mover!  He likes to scoot onto the tile now and see what new things he can discover in the kitchen or dining area.  So now I have to do a really thorough cleaning after Kylie eats to make sure all the food is off the floor.

Hayden has also been trying to balance on his hands and knees.  This kid is going to be crawling before you know it!

He has also been doing this cute little head shake when he is laying down and happy.  It it sooo cute!  It cracks me up whenever he does it.

Kylie is turning into a good big sister.  She loves to come get Hayden when he wakes from naps, take out his diapers, and make him smile and laugh.  I just love when she plays with him!

She is still loving to dress herself several times a day.  I kinda made her stop that, though, because we moved the dresser into Hayden's room and got her a small little set of drawers, so most of her clothes hang in the closet now, which has a child lock on the door so she can't get in.  I let her pick out her outfit in the morning, and then that is it.  She is always tapping on the closet door wanting to change her clothes throughout the day, but I don't let her anymore.  It was getting too insane... one day she wore all of her dresses and it was a little much.

She started taking lots of selfies this week.  It was pretty funny to open my phone and find pictures like this:

She is a crazy one, she is!!  I love Kylie and her full personality.  She sure keeps us on our toes.  Constantly talking gibberish/english and singing, always wanting to help, especially with the cooking, and using Brandon and I as her personal trampoline every time we sit or lay down.  Man, she is exhausting.  But worth it!

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