Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cuteness Kills

This past week seems like it was very busy, but in actuality, it wasn't too crazy.  I suppose it feels like that because Brandon has been working a lot this past week, so it's just mainly been me and the kiddos.  When that happens I think poor Kylie suffers, because at times I start letting rules slide, and other times I have no patience when she can't follow simple rules.  It's like has to do the same thing every five minutes that I just told her to stop doing, to see if that rule still applies.  Ugh.  It's just a phase... it's just a phase... it's just a phase... right?

Luckily Hayden is just a major cutie-pa-tootie and just gives me a million smiles that help keep me happy when Kylie is pushing all my buttons.

He loves to play and laugh and try to grab things.  He also is loving bath time and just kicks the whole time.  He is also like Kylie was at this age - insisting that he always be sat up or standing so he can see what is going on.

We started off the week with some really beautiful weather, so one afternoon we went to the park and played some soccer with Kylie.  It was fun teaching her to kick the ball, though she did fall down numerous times.

Hayden also got his first experience with grass.  I couldn't really tell if he loved it or was just indifferent.  But he does really enjoy being outside.

On Saturday we went on a family outing to a fun themed restaurant: Pirate's Cove.  Kylie had a blast in the arcade after dinner and she loved looking at all the fun decorations everywhere.

Kylie is getting really imaginative when she plays now.  She is really good at playing by herself and finding (mostly) good things to amuse herself with.  I love to watch her and wish I knew what was going through her head sometimes.  Today she made this little circle of her stuffed animals and then did this interesting dance inside it.

This week Kylie has all of the sudden taken a big interest in Hayden.  Lately she has been slowly starting to play with him: dangling toys in front of his face, putting the pacifier in his mouth (well, more like smashing it into his mouth), and washing him in the tub.  But now she likes to hold him either laying down or on the couch.  Sometimes when I am holding him as I walk around she will follow me and tug his legs because she wants to hold him.  It's pretty cute seeing the love come from her for her brother.  Hayden has been warming up to her as well.  The sound of her excited voice used to make him cry (her shrieks still do), but now he will watch her and smile, and he just loves when she plays with toys with him.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Becca! Both Kylie and Hayden really rock the scale on cuteness. So glad you share.
