On our walks Hayden always lingers near the pool. You can totally tell he is ready for swim season!
Friday is always our big friend day, since Kylie doesn't have school that day. In the morning we went to the park with Kennedy and Acadia. With a whole park of fun things to play on, Hayden would rather climb the rocks and play in the dirt. Figures.
Later that afternoon Peyton came over to play. It is so fun to see both Kylie and Hayden get so excited to play with friends. Hayden especially gets super excited and wants to show whatever friend that is over all the toys.
Saturday was a busy day. Especially for Hayden! We took his crib down, and gave him the twin bed from Kylie's bunk bed. Both kids had so much fun playing on Hayden's new bed and Hayden really enjoyed his dinosaur bedsheets.
Everything was awesome until bedtime. Then Kylie realized she didn't have a bed over her anymore and flipped out and was hysterical for 20 minutes before she passed out. Hayden, who wouldn't leave his bed for the previous hour, suddenly wouldn't stay in his bed at all. But I expected it. That's what happened with Kylie. Hopefully he will adjust in the coming week.
Also this week Hayden suddenly loves the cat. LOVES the cat. Like uses him as a full body pillow and tracks him down for forced hugs. It is actually quite tortuous for the cat.