What a fun and crazy week it has been!!
First, on Monday, we went to the Splash Pad in St. George and had a picnic dinner there with Brandon, who had to work late that night. My kids love water and and had a super fun time. They played so hard that they actually ate a good size dinner (which almost never happens!) and crashed as soon as we got home!
Tuesday we went up to Coral Canyon and played at the park up there. We haven't been there in a while and Kylie and Hayden both had fun running around until it got way too hot.
Wednesday Kylie had a birthday party to go to for a friend, and it was a princess party! So she got all dressed up as Anna from Frozen and when we went to the party all these little girls ran up to Kylie shouting "Princess Anna! Princess Anna! You are so cute!" It was so funny. But it was a bitter sweet moment for me because Kylie's friend was turning five, so all the girls are just a bit older than Kylie, and Kristelle (the birthday girls mom) said we could just drop Kylie off and pick her up afterwards. So this was Kylie's first "Mommies Not Needed" party!! It was exciting and made me sad at the same time. Kylie is growing up!
Later Wednesday evening Grandma Shari came!! Along with Uncle Jordan! Uncle Jordan was moving down here for the summer to work with Brandon, so they had some errands to go do that we tagged along with. Kylie was so excited to see Grandma Shari again and it only took Hayden a few minutes to warm up to her.
Thursday morning came and Kylie didn't even let me know that she had woken up - she just went straight downstairs to Grandma Shari and wanted to play. We had a fun-filled day - or rather
they had a fun-filled day as I got to spend the morning at the dentist having my tooth fixed. The rest of the day was kinda lazy and just playing around.
Friday we had some errands to run in the morning and then did some walks and lots of bubble blowing in the afternoon. Kylie got tons of bubbles from her Un-Birthday Party and the kids have been obsessed ever since. Also, when Grandma Shari had been taking the kids on walks she had been holding Hayden's hand almost the entire time. I thought that was the funniest thing because usually on walks I let them run around and explore, and Hayden usually fights me when I need to hold his hand. But he would willingly hold Grandma Shari's hand whenever!
Friday night Grandpa Gary got into town! Everyone was happy to see him and after dinner we all went swimming.
After everyone was getting ready for bed later that night, about 9.30, I realized that the cat was missing. Panic!! The only time he could have gotten out was early that morning when we were bringing groceries inside. Brandon and I scoured the neighborhood for him until 11 with no luck, and then I went to bed while Brandon and Grandpa Gary stayed up until 1 broadening their search and printing out "Lost Cat" signs. We were so sad that our little kitty was out and about (probably on a huge adventure) and were worried that we would never see him again. I woke up at 5.30 that night to change Hayden's diaper, and then I just felt the prompting to go check the door. I opened the front door and there was our cat! He ran inside and everywhere he went he left huge piles of dirt. So at 5.30 in the morning Brandon and I washed the cat. For five minutes he had red dirt washing off of him! He was crazy dirty! But we were so glad we had our little kitty back! Also he is never going outside again :)
Saturday was a big day - we were going to Zion's! We all loaded up in the motor home and started the drive! Hayden got a chance to try out a bigger carseat (he just barely meets the qualifications to sit in one), and Kylie enjoyed the freedom of a seat belt!
Up in Zion's we rode the shuttle to the Weeping Rock trail and hiked it. It is a very short trail (only about 1/2 mile round-trip) and easy for the kids to do. Their attention span wasn't very good though - especially Hayden's - so this was the only hike we did. It was kinda steep on the way down, so Hayden held Grandma Shari's and Brandon's hands, but when he holds two people's hands he thinks he doesn't have to walk anymore. So he was literally dragging his feet and enjoying it!
There was a small stream at the bottom of the trail that we let the kids play in for a while. I think that was their favorite part!
Afterwards we rode the shuttle clear to the top of the canyon and back down! Lots of sitting for being in a national park ;) Just the kids age!
Then we went and had a picnic lunch (the kids didn't eat much) before going home. That afternoon we all crashed and took a long nap. Well, all except Kylie. She just had quiet time. Grandma Shari and Grandpa Gary left at that time as well, to start their new adventures as empty nesters! We loved having them visit and I want to thank them for everything they do for us, every time they visit!! Can't wait for Snowbird in July when we will be able to see family again!
Something big that happened at the end of this week: Kylie has decided that she doesn't want to wear diapers to bed anymore!! I have been meaning to make this move with her earlier, but I have just been waiting to buy a plastic sheet for her bed before we did. But now Kylie has made the decision herself and the past few nights she has been great! I did finally manage to get the sheet, which we will be putting on the bed because we all know that accidents do happen. But I am so excited for her!! Kylie is completely potty trained!!!