Sunday, March 29, 2015

Dress Up and Drawing Faces!

Not much happened this week...

Monday Kylie helped me make a treat:

Wednesday I signed Kylie up for Preschool!!  It was exciting!  And even though she doesn't start until September I am already having nightmares of her being kicked out because she is a crazy psycho woman sometimes!  I am sure that she will be fine, though.

Thursday we got a little silly and played dress up with Hayden:

Then Kylie got ahold of the phone a took a few pictures:

Friday Kylie started drawing faces!!  Now that is all she wants to draw!

So that was our super exciting week!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Getting a Little Messy

Lately Kylie has taken a liking to combing my hair.  Usually I don't like anyone playing with my hair, but sometimes I will make an exception for her!  She is really good at combing it, and then other times she is really good at seeing how many times she can twist the brush in my hair...

Then Hayden saw that we were taking pictures and wanted to get in on the fun:

This week was pretty chill.  The weather is nice enough that we go out every afternoon and play.  I am nearly to the point where we go swimming in the afternoon it is getting so hot!

Kylie and Hayden did go for a playdate at Kennedy and Acadia's house while I went to an eye doctors appointment (I can see again!).  They always love playing with friends.

Saturday morning we put the gate up and left the front door open to let in some spring air.  The kids were super excited about it and wouldn't leave it alone.  Then the cat jumped out to sun bathe and both Kylie and Hayden threw a fit that the cat was outside and we weren't doing anything about it!

Later that day we went on our normal walk route (if I try to vary it in any way they both freak out), and the place where we usually dig in the dirt had somehow turned into a mud pit.  Only I realized this too late - Hayden was already getting down and dirty!

So I let them roll around in the mud until they were sufficiently covered and the whole way home they were both trying to shake the mud from their hands.  It was pretty funny.  At home I hosed them down and they each liked trying to clean their clothes and shoes.

Today (Sunday) Kylie got to give her article of faith in front of primary!  She had been practicing all week with me and is a very good parrot.  We went into to the primary room before it started and while she would stand up in front of the microphone she wouldn't say anything.  And this was in an empty room!  Needless to say, when it was her turn to say it during primary she covered her mouth and looked away and let me say it.  Totally knew that would happen!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Fun in the Sand!

We had lots of fun this week, as usual!  On Wednesday I decided to be brave and since Brandon was working late for the fiftieth time this month, I took the kids out for a fun night out on the town!  Well, as fun as it can get with two tiny kids...

First we went to dinner at Arctic Circle and Kylie was super excited to have ice cream and Hayden liked trying to eat while not in his high chair.  Needless to say it got a little messy.

Then we went next door to the mall and played.  Lots of fun!

On Friday night Grandma and Grandpa Hansen came to visit us for the weekend again!  Grandpa Pete had some work down in St. George last weekend and this weekend, so Grandma Tess had tagged along and spent the day with us while he worked.  This weekend they came a day early to spend the night!  We loved having them over and enjoyed spending Saturday morning with Grandpa Pete before he had to go off to work.

Then we got to spend the rest of the day with Grandma Tess!  We went on a walk and then in the afternoon we went to play in the sand dunes!  We brought a picnic lunch and to keep Hayden from running off he ate on the table.  From everyone else's plate...

After lunch we went and rolled around in the sand!!!  Every kids dream!

We had a super fun time this weekend!!  And we loved seeing Grandma Tess and Grandpa Pete for two weeks in a row!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Visit From Grandma Tess!

Week two of potty training done!!  And Kylie is doing soooo well!  We have even taken her out and about a few times and haven't had any accidents at all!  I am so excited Kylie is finally taking this step.  It's about time!!

Kylie also loves to play computer games with us now.  It's fun to play with her!

Hayden has started to become a picky eater.  He used to eat everything in front of him, but now he only eats certain food.  Nooo!  He wasn't supposed to get to this stage yet!!  He also likes to dump his food every where...

Kylie likes to sing sometimes.  Her favorite song is "Happy Birthday", and sometimes Hayden likes to sing along.  We have this little microphone the kids like to sing into  and it is cute to watch them!  Kylie also took a zillion pictures this week.  Everyone was her model!!

We had a lot of fun with friends this week.  As usual we saw Sophia several times this week (Kylie always gets super excited when I say Sophia is coming over!), as well as Kennedy and Acadia.  We love having friends over!  It's a nice break from Mom entertainment :)

One thing about Kylie potty training is that suddenly she doesn't like wearing any clothes.  Sometimes it's a fight to get her to put on her clothes just to go somewhere!

On Saturday bright and early we got a surprise visit from Grandma Tess!!  Well, she told me that she might come and then I didn't hear an affirmative answer, so we didn't plan on her and then she came!!  Everyone was so excited to see her and we had lots of fun!  We played and read books and when Hayden took a nap we took a walk with Kylie and then after lunch Grandma and the kids went to a park to play while Brandon and I did some grocery shopping really quick!

Then that evening Grandpa Pete showed up and Kylie was especially excited to see him because he brought pizza!  Her most favorite dinner ever.  It was fun to spend the day with Grandma Tess and we are excited to see her again next weekend!!

So this Sunday, for the first time since we changed wards and buildings, Kylie went WILLINGLY to primary!!  It was so awesome!!  And so cute to see her sitting in the little chair with her class and being so grown-up!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Potty Training! For REALS!!!

First off, Monday morning we woke up to SNOW.  After all the gorgeous weather so far this year snow was the last thing I expected.

So, of course, we had to go out and play in it before it melted!  I didn't really want to, but I can't deprive my children of fun in the snow even though I don't like snow.  I have to give them the chance to learn how horrible snow really is!!

Well the kids just loved the snow.  Hayden walked all over and fell down trying to walk on the rocks, and Kylie just immediately started eating it.

Then Kylie started making snow angels and Hayden tried to join, but then decided that he didn't like laying down in the snow.

We only lasted about thirty minutes (thank goodness!), and when we got inside everyone was soaked!  But at least we got some fun in the snow!

Since we were stuck inside for a few days with the chilly weather, I decided to bite the bullet and make Kylie potty train.  She has been going off and on for the past month, and last week the bribery of potty treats got her going on almost a daily basis, but only when she wanted a treat.  So on Monday I just refused to put a diaper on her and suffered through 15 minutes of hysteria before she consented to put undies on.  Since then we have had almost no problems!!  We are at the point where she is going with no reminders and is choosing undies over diapers when we go places.  Going out of the house still freaks me out, and we haven't even started trying to do it at night yet.

One evening she went potty and was so excited to show Brandon, because "Daddy hasn't seen it yet", so she brought her potty bowl out to show Brandon and she was swishing it weird so I started freaking out and then when Brandon saw what she was doing he started freaking out which freaked out Kylie because all she wanted to do was show Daddy and she ended up spilling it.  All over Hayden.  Yup.

Another incident, which I think will scar her for a while, was on Friday at Walmart while we were grocery shopping.  She wanted to wear her undies and then half way through she needed to go, so we go and I have her sitting on the toilet, excited that she was actually going to go on a big potty!  Then she wanted her privacy so she turned me out of the stall and got up to lock the door, and then the automatic flusher goes off!!  It scared her to DEATH and we ended up having to put on the emergency diaper I brought because she would have nothing to do with big potties after that.  Soooo... I don't know when we are going to take the next step of big potties, but I am just so happy that she is going at home in her little potty!!

On Friday we went over to Sophia's to play (and we brought our potty and Kylie went over there!!  Small victory!!), and then we ended up packing all the kids into the car and helping Angela run some errands.  It was the first time we had all three carseats in the back seat and it was very squishy.

You can see that Sophia had set up a wall to keep Hayden away from her, and Kylie liked feeding Hayden snacks.  Hayden just loved having them so close to play with.

Saturday was a fun family day.  We had a free day pass to the rec center, so we all went swimming!  Hayden sported Kylie's hot pink floatie while Kylie used one of the rec centers.  Hayden loved the freedom of walking around and would randomly flop down and kick his limbs and try to swim.  It was so cute!!  Kylie is getting so big and it is about time we got her into some swim lessons!  She loved the slides though, like usual!

Now that February is over Hayden is officially 15 months old!!  Getting closer to being in nursery!  Yay!!