Afterwards we usually play in the clubhouse for a few minutes to dry off before heading home. Hayden loves to crawl around in the huge empty room and explore the empty cupboards.
This week Kylie has been pretending that she is a cat a lot, so while drying off that is all she did.
We did get a few storms this weekend so we were stuck inside. Hayden likes to look at books now, which is nice. Sometimes Kylie will randomly "read" one to him, but not very often.
They also like to watch the rainstorms and can sit for the longest time in front of the window watching the rain come down and looking for lightning.
One of Hayden's favorite games is peek-a-boo. He likes to hold a cloth or blanket over his head and then peek out of it. He is so playful!
I have also been doing some sign language with him for the past few weeks. He picked up "milk" pretty quick, and kinda has "all done" down, and we are still working on "drink", "eat", and "more". The way his face lights up when he does something the same as someone else is so cute! We even play a game with this flying disc where I shoot it, Kylie retrieves it (like a dog, of course), and gives it to Hayden to put back into the machine for me to shoot it again. He just loves to be a part of the activity with everyone!
Like I mentioned last week, Kylie still loves the cat and wants to play with him all the time. Hayden couldn't care less for him. One day the cat threw up right in front of Kylie, and immediately Kylie was right next to him patting his back and asking if he was ok. It was so cute! She didn't leave him alone for the next twenty minutes and was always petting him and giving him kisses and asking if he was going to be ok. I think she cares for him more because he was her little playmate when she was a baby. I love how she still cares for him!
Hayden has been trying super hard this week to walk. He still loves someone to hold his hands and help him walk everywhere, and lately has been picking stuff up and wanting to walk with things in his hands. Sometimes Kylie and I will each have a hand and help him walk and that is a lot of fun. But this week Hayden has been more adventurous and I see him taking 2 or 3 steps along to get somewhere! That is so exciting! Saturday morning Brandon and I had Hayden walk between us for a while until Hayden was just so giggly he kept collapsing.
He is so close to walking that he could literally start at any time!!